Dr. Stacy Creel
Associate Professor
Stacy Creel has a Ph.D. in Information Science from the University of North Texas and a Specialist and Masters degrees from Florida State University. As a SLIS Associate Professor, she teaches online synchronous and asynchronous courses pertaining to school libraries, youth services, literature, reference, and public/academic libraries for graduates and undergraduates.
- Library and Information Scienc (PHD) - University of North Texas (2007)
- EDS - Florida State University (1997)
- MLS - Florida State University (1996)
- Title: Students with Disabilities Perceptions on the Library and College: Systematic Review and Case Study, Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2023
- Soft Skills in Library Job Advertisements and LIS Curriculum, Mississippi Libraries, 2021
- SLIS Notes: For the Love of Graphic Novels, Mississippi Libraries, 2022
- The 2014 Rainbow List: A Descriptive Study of the List and Ten Public Libraries’ Ownership, The Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults, 2018
- Interviews with Public Librarians on Their Experiences in Cases of Censorship , Public Library Quarterly, 2023
- Women's introduction to BDSM through erotica and its association with satisfaction, Sex Roles, 2017
- English (Native or Bilingual)